
Happy UN-Birthday

My Birthday is Ruined!! my mom told me she was gonna send me some money for my birthday (Which is today) N now she wont send it il the ned of the Frickin' Month what the hell am i gonna do with that money at the end of the month the fuck nothing im really really Pe'd off about that i was depending on that Money to at least make my birthday At least a little Special since imma hav 2 spend it by myself.. >: C Damn that really messed up Thanks alot mommy  n for those readign that wished me a happy birthday Thank u i love u all now if you'll exsuse me i hav go Sulk n Wonder how miserable i'll be on my 18th Birthday

~ Mello-Shan+~

17 whatever 17 forever (Btw i just Made that up in my 4th Pd today which was Art Ok see ya)