
Hello and Goodbye 2015

Hello everyone , I know I've been really really bad with keeping up with my blogs, but next year will be better. There are a few things I'd like to share with you. First off I have a darling angel to call my own now (And no I'm not talking about a baby :P you all know I'm too young for child birth XD ) He's is my world and he's very precious to me. I dunno if he pops onto my blogs once in a while or anything but just incase he does and he reads thing I want you to know (and also remind you ) that I love you eternally my sweet darling Robby <3. The second thing was I recently had gotten my certificate of completion from the Messiah College from Hoverter Course I took A few months ago, it was a writing class I'd taken that is provided for free for those interested and upon completion of each semester you are awarded 3 credits that will be reflected in the system no matter what college you decide to attend but anyways that's enough about that onto the next thing. I've been thinking to myself a lot lately about my life n where I want it go. So in order to close this gap of absence I've been having constantly on this blog, I'll be sharing my thoughts on random topics with you guys, and it'll be 100% true about whatever it is I'm thinking about. Now I'm not saying there will be posts everyday but they will definitely be more often then not like normal for my poor life blog. But now I'll be using the Internet as my muse. I'll be seeing you guys later if you have time or if your just bored please check out my YouTube Channel just Search up Sagattinis and you'll be just fine join me in my random encounters and other werid activities, cooking vids and everything else.

Have a good New years everyone.
Good bye 2015

*Here's the link to my channel if it doesn't work the Link under it is the link to my last video*


See you all in 2016 !! <3

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